VI Equicare is the largest independent Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) in the United States Virgin Islands.

Join VI Equicare

VI Equicare was created by physicians for healthcare providers. By participating in the VI Equicare PPO of healthcare providers, you may choose to be in-network with all contracted payers. As a participating provider, you will have access to contracts with payers, be able to messenger in reimbursement rates, receive assistance to ensure you are paid properly, have access to VI Equicare educational seminars, and participate in decision making. VI Equicare accepts applications to become a participating provider from the following types of practitioners.

Medical Practitioners

  • Medical Doctors (MD)
  • Osteopaths (DO)
  • Chiropractors (DC)
  • Podiatrists (DPM)

Allied Health Care Practitioners

  • Nurse midwives (CNM)
  • Nurse practitioners (CRNP, CRNA)
  • Physician assistants (PA)
  • Physical and occupational therapists
  • Speech and language therapists.

Behavioral Health Practitioners

  • Psychiatrists and practitioners who are certified in addiction medicine
  • Doctoral or master’s-level psychologists who are Territory certified or licensed
  • Master’s-level clinical social workers who are Territory certified or licensed
  • Master’s-level clinical nurse specialists or psychiatric nurse practitioners who are nationally or Territory certified or licensed
  • Other behavioral healthcare specialists who have a Master’s degree in a related behavioral health field and are licensed, certified, or registered by the Territory to practice independently.


Practitioners will be approved through the initial credentialing process and must be successfully re-credentialed every three years in order to remain to be a participating provider in the network. Practitioners who VI Equicare does not credential include those who provide care only as a result of enrollees being directed to the facility in which they practice and who do not have independent relationships with the facility such as:

  • Practitioners who practice within the inpatient setting exclusively
  • Locum tenens
  • Board-certified consultants who do not provide direct care for enrollees in a treatment setting.


VI Equicare accepts applications to become an organizational provider from the following types of facilities:

  • Hospitals
  • Free Standing Surgical Centers
  • Free Standing Urgent Care/ Emergency Centers
  • Diagnostic Imaging Facilities
  • Independent Clinical Laboratories
  • Ambulatory Health Clinics
  • Skilled Nursing Home Facilities including Long Term Care Facilities
  • Home Health Care
  • Hospice Center
  • Rehabilitative Therapy Facilities
  • Behavioral Health Facilities including inpatient, residential and ambulatory
  • Durable Medical Equipment
  • Medical Transport Service
  • Infertility Clinics
  • Birthing Centers

All applicants must complete a formal application and submit the required documentation to demonstrate the qualifications necessary to be a provider in the VI Equicare network. To obtain an initial credentialing application for a physician, an allied health practitioner, and a facility as well as VI Equicare’s credentialing policies and procedures, please contact the administrative office of VI Equicare by calling 340-774-5779 or emailing 

We look forward to welcoming you into the VI Equicare network!